OllieTree Foundation

Gather Love, Convey Love,
Spread Love, Witness Love

OllieTree Foundation Is In Action. Thank you for Your Support and Attention

Update of Pandemic Outbreak in Charlotte, NC

Update of Pandemic Outbreak in Charlotte, NC

What We Are Doing

We hold regular medical seminars to popularize medical and health knowledge for free
We care for the elderly and cancer patients in the community, providing care, resources, consultation, and help

We help left-behind children in remote mountain area build libraries and computer rooms

We organize and coordinate medical teams to conduct free consultations and medical assistance for communities in remote and poor mountain areas.

The OllieTree Foundation established the Health Consultation Public Account to provide Chinese people with correct , reliable, advanced, and practical health information

What We Are Doing

Establish a high quality, skillful, full spectrum of professionals in the OllieTree medical team to regularly provide free medical services and medical assistance to communities and poor areas;

Establish all direction assistance for left-behind children in mountain areas to maintain healthy daily, physical, psychological, and spiritual life, starting from one household, one village, and one town

Establish a Christ centered OllieTree ministry team to spread the love of Christ and the gospel with love, care, and service

Collaborate and cooperate with churches, Christian ministry, evangelical organizations, and caring social groups and work hard toward the Great Commission

Advantages of OllieTree Foundation

Professional Medical Personnel

Our professional medical team has gone through many years of learning and practice. Most are still working on the front line of the medical field. They are our most solid intermediate force and the most valuable wealth

Pure Goal

We uphold the principles of collaborativeness, openness, and transparency. The OlliTree Foundation is a non-profit organization. It is our goal to honor God and benefit others from the very beginning. We also take into account short-term effects and long term planning

Start with Our Feet on the Ground

Our co-workers stay close to life and feel the needs of the community. We actively provide our help, professional knowledge, and materials to the communities in the U.S. and the most remote mountain areas in China in a timely-assistant manner.

The Love and Zeal of the OllieTree Foundation to All

Some of Our

Recent Projects

Adopt cute little piggy banks to help little kids far away. Your loving heart is a child’s hope. Today’s seedling will become a towering pillar tomorrow. Let every left behind child feel the warmth from us.